Friday, 25 July 2014

TCGS #137 - Why Did You Stop Watching The Chris Gethard Show? (480p and 1080p HD)

Hi! Currently spoiling myself by watching this episode as I post this. Really good so far, I love the idea of this episode. Although I actually think it's unnecessary as I think the show is in a really great place and although I'm definitely a "new school" fan I think that I know enough about the old episodes to know that the newer ones have been on par, if not better, than the older ones. I hope more people get into the show is the only thing I would want for the future of it. It definitely deserves to be exposed to more people.

Anyway, I don't want this to turn into a rant about my thoughts on the show, I actually totally agree with JD that they need to just be able to get on with the show and do it the way the team think it should be played out. Chin up, chaps.

TCGS #137 - Why Did You Stop Watching The Chris Gethard Show (480p)

TCGS #137 - Why Did You Stop Watching The Chris Gethard Show (1080p)


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